Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hopkins' Next Top Model is. . . a Pi Phi!

Nov. 22, Pi Phi sophomore, Aishwarya Rajagopalan, competed in Hopkins' Top Model. Pi Beta Phi and other student groups came to support the "Clean Water for Peace Project" which addresses the arsenic water contamination problem in Bangladesh. With her sisters' support, the poise of angel, and gorgeous outfits, Aishwarya took home first place. She not only helped to spread the word about this student group's fantastic work in India, but also that Pi Phi girls are beautiful. . . inside and out!

Check out some pictures from the evening:

Ready to support a sister

Pi Phi's Top Model!
Striking a pose (Tyra would be proud)

Pi Phi's represent!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Simply Serendipitous

Pi Phi Senior Mandy Stein has her very own blog for JHU Admissions!  Check out her post dedicated to her newest adventure: becoming a Pi Phi Angel!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pi Beta Phi flies during Greek Week

The Charter Members of Pi Beta Phi joined the rest of the JHU Greek Community in Greek Weekend this past week!  The women of MD Gamma bonded together to represent the wine and blue at every event and came out on top in Penny Wars, Trivia, and Powderpuff Football!  Each of the 67 members, after only 3 weeks of membership, contributed their unique talents to the events and proved themselves a strong sisterhood.  The friendships and memories shared during the weekend are the overarching trophy of days filled with team building, endless cheering, and unbelievable chapter pride.

Check out some of the highlights of MD Gamma's kickoff Greek Weekend!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's never too late to go Greek!

Until bid day, I was still uncertain as to whether or not I should join a sorority. I
wasn’t sure exactly what it would mean, if I would have time to fit it into my already busy schedule, or if I’d even want to. That morning, walking up the stairs to see a crowd of girls in white dresses chatting loudly, my reservations began to diminish. By the end of the afternoon, I knew that accepting my bid to Pi Beta Phi was one of the best decisions that I could have made.

As a junior, I was convinced that I had already found my core group of college
friends. However, at the first Pi Phi event, traits that I thought were seemingly
rare at Hopkins – being from Florida, loving to watch Gossip Girl – were present in many of my new sisters. I met girls who were in my large lecture classes, lived in my apartment building, and similarly hoped to go to law school. Such similarities may seem trivial, but at a school with such academically-minded individuals, it can be challenging to meet anyone, let alone 67 people, who are genuinely interested in building upon such commonalities. Yet, these were all women who stepped into this new sisterhood, not quite knowing what to expect, but quickly devoting themselves to what it represented. From the first day, I was amazed how quickly my small community at Hopkins became much larger.

As the weeks have progressed, each activity with my new sisters has furthered this idea. While I once found myself scouting out fellow sisters by looking for their Beta pins, I now look for the friend I made in the new member meeting, or the girl who I sat next to at our retreat. And each week I continue to meet ladies who, without Pi Phi I would not have had the privilege of meeting, but with Pi Phi, am now joined in sisterhood and commonality of love for our colonizing class.

Christina Warner
MD Gamma Pi Beta Phi New Member
Writing Seminars/Spanish Major

Sunday, October 10, 2010

MD Gamma welcomes their charter New Members!

Pi Beta Phi's Maryland Gamma Chapter held colonizing recruitment September 30 through October 3 and presented bids to 66 women at Johns Hopkins University. These women alongside their Resident Leadership Development Consultant Stephanie Baysinger, California Nu, will participate in formal recruitment in the spring. The Maryland Gamma Chapter will be Pi Phi's 134th chapter when it is installed in November.

First group picture
Let me see your halos!
Learning new songs with GPVM Paula Shepherd
Throw those arrows!
New sisters