Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pi Phi Convention 2013: Ocean to Ocean

Welcome to San Diego! 

For the 69th Pi Beta Phi Convention, MD Gamma's President, AAC delegate, and alternate delegate (that's me!) have traveled ALL the way across the country to meet with alumni and members from all chapters across the world. 
There are women from as near as Maryland and as far as Alberta, Canada. As the main function of the convention is to promote leadership and vote on upcoming councils and laws, these four days will be filled with classes and networking with other chapters. 
Since MD Gamma was only colonized four years ago, my favorite part so far (it's only the second day!) has been seeing the newest chapters become officially initiated into Pi Phi. Congratulations to the Connecticut Gamma, Ohio Lamda, and Illinois Kappa chapters!!

Our beautiful president reppin' at the second general session

Even though it's halfway through the second day, the president and I are already having so much fun! I'll be back later with another post.


P.S. since I am unwilling to pay for internet, all of this post has been typed from my phone! #collegestudent #ialreadyspenttoomuchmoneyatpiphiexpressoops #igohard

Monday, June 24, 2013

Pi Phi Summer Days; Jesse

Following in the footsteps of our former VPC (snaps for Kashka) we're bringing back, 
and if you already read the title you must know, Pi Phi Summer Days!

Once (or twice if I'll feeling devious) a week I'll update with posts featuring all the amazing things our Pi Phi sisters are doing. From Vogue to digs in Rome, our sisters are bringing their Hopkins smarts and Pi Phi values to their jobs and internships around the world!

For our first installment, I bring you Jesse. Jesse is a rising sophomore and a fellow writing seminars major. She loves her pham, long walks on the beach, spelunking, and more recently, interning in Washington, the office of Congressman Mark Takano.

Just look at that pretty face, soon she'll be dominating capitol hill!
 "As an intern in the office I basically just help keep the office running smoothly--I deliver letters/notes to other congressional offices, give our district's constituents tours when they visit, answer constituent correspondence, and do anything the staff in my office need me to do. I also attend special lectures/courses held by the Congress just for interns--last week I heard Congressman Gregg Harper and Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Terrance Gainer speak, and that was just my first week on the job!" 

Jesse is interning through the Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL) and their Political Internship Program (PIP). While there she is focusing her efforts on the Advocacy Project, a program tradition started in 2004. This year's project focuses on immigration, because of the extensive immigration reform efforts currently going on. 
"I had the idea of starting a tumblr that collects submissions from Asian Pacific American immigrants/children of immigrants all across the country who want to share their immigration story, because lots of times Asian Pacific American people don't see immigration as a priority, but in reality they make up at least 10% of the people affected by the new bill. We'll be using this Tumblr... to advocate and lobby for the immigration reform bill in various Congresspeople's offices." 
Even though Jesse does not see herself going into politics anytime soon, she enjoys taking her skills and applying them in philanthropic services (an important Pi Phi value).
"I'm not exactly interested in being in politics, per se, but I love being involved in changing my community for the better, and I felt like doing this internship could really teach me a lot, not only about my community and about how the US legislative system works, but also about how to make an impact on others and what I can do to make a change."

We wish you the best of luck for your internship and see you in the Fall!

PPL & M,